Improving the lives of children in Dodge County.
Honoring the 37 Million Impact Congratulations, Head Start, on 55 years of building tomorrow’s future legacies today! I know the impact that Head Start–and all of you–have had on the more than 37 million children and families whose experiences in …
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Find out what Community Activities are happening for the week. Get Parenting Tips, see Upcoming Events and Reminders. View our Weekly Bulletin.
bulletin febDiscover what is going for the month at Dodge County Head Start! Get the latest Room News and view all our Volunteers. View our current Newsletter.
February 2025We connect children and their families with services in the local community.
Dodge County Head Start is federally funded by the Office Of Head Start. The Office of Head Start (OHS) administers grant funding and oversight to the agencies that provide Head Start services. OHS also provides federal policy direction and a training and technical (more…)
We partner with the Fremont Area United Way. The Fremont United Way works to advance the common good by focusing on education, income and health. Their goal is to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place. (more…)
We work with the Fremont Family Coalition. The Fremont Family Coalition provides Protective Factors that when present in a community and in families, will increase health and family well-being. These include: Concrete Supports; Parental Resilience; (more…)
Dodge County Head Start relies on community involvement to allow us to provide all of our services to our children and families. Many of our programs need items not provided for by our grants and funding sources.
Head Start and Early Head Start programs support the comprehensive development of children from birth to age 5.
School Readiness for children ages 3 to 5 (more…)
- Head StartHead Start and Early Head Start programs support the comprehensive development of children from birth to age 5.
For pregnant mothers and infants ages 0-3. (more…)
- Early Head Start